We had a big thing for Cole graduating last year from 5th grade on Maui. Then we moved to California and found out 6th grade was still in Elementary school. Cole was upset that he'd be going to school with "babies" yet I explained to him it was a good opportunity to be the big man on campus again. Plus, who wants to start a new school AND be the new kid? (Plus, we all know secretly Demi was super stoked to have her big brother around one more year.) Two months in to school and Cole didn't want to go. He told me he didn't have friends. The truth was, neither did I. So I made a pact with the kids. The only way we were going to meet new people and make friends was to be vulnerable and "put ourselves out there." Lean in so to speak...... I'm so proud of all of us for getting out of our comfort zone and making that happen. Good things come out of your comfort zone. So take a plunge and make things happen.