What a doll.
I had the pleasure of shooting Matthew and Chanelle Alvarado's new baby (sort of new, he's 6 weeks old) "Mikael" (pronounced Mik-Ale). What a sweetie. He was a delight and had THE most beautiful olive toned skin. I'm really proud of Mommy and Daddy. They are babies themselves at 21 years old and are handling being new parents with such grace and beauty. It's always nerve wracking shooting for a photographer, let alone one as talented as Matthew. Thanks for giving in and finally letting me shoot him. He's going to have an amazing life with you as parents.
Welcome to the world Mikael.
Let the Love....and ME.
Let The Love is a RAD photo blog for weddings and engagement shoots that shows off true and honest photography. They had a contest with the theme of "Summer Love." They wanted to see "romance in the sun." I just happen to have a great shot of the beautiful Shelley Laine (my lovely baby sister) and her gorgeous man, Marlon Lewis. (Yes, the son of famous windsurfer and shaper Jimmy Lewis.) Marlon loves to spearfish, so I caught (no pun intended) a great shot of Shelley trying to steal a kiss.... And I WON! YIPPPEEEEE
Check out Let The Love's blog here. You can also click on their logo below to see my post on their Facebook page. Keep up the awesome blogging Tory and Wendy, you guys rock....
Maui Girl, "Demi Lynn"
My daughter. The girl is super duper sassy. Feathers in her hair. Legs a mile long. A "vegetarian that eats steak." A child that is as stubborn as a mule and also communicates with me via magna doodle board......oh my. She's almost 8. Time sure flies by. I know that I'm going to blink and she'll be 16 and I probably will be losing my hair over this girl.